What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder definition?
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), are psychological disorders that belong to a group of anxiety disorders, their key feature is anxiety. It is more common in women than in men in the ratio of 2 to 1 and occurs at any age. It can be treated depending on the characteristics of the patient, so there is no reason to suffer for this.
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Worry and anxiety are generally constant sensations experienced by people with generalized anxiety disorder. They feel they have to be in constant preparation for something that might happen, call catastrophe, disaster, money or social conflict. Some people experience severe stress and other signs of panic attacks and these in turn cause anxiety.
Generalized anxiety disorder is a mental anxiety disorder that often begins at an early age and continues throughout adulthood. The patients diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) require medication to help reduce their symptoms and control the illness, but others are able to control symptoms through therapy, relaxation techniques, and behavior modification methods, . The most common types of medication for this condition include benzodiazepines, antidepressants, buspirone, and herbs and vitamins.
The use of medications can help restore a more normal level of these chemicals to make the patient feel more comfortable. It is believed that GAD originates in the brain, in the form of problems with neurotransmitters and the balance of chemicals in the brain.
Also, the affected person may develop nausea, vomiting, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, this complicates the patient to live a normal life, if it persists for 6 months the person requires specialized treatment by a psychiatrist.
Psychotherapy can help with generalized anxiety disorder, the therapist will help get to the root cause of anxiety and to solve specific problems. It is believed that generalized anxiety disorder is due to problems with neurotransmitters and the chemicals in the brain.
Psychotherapy can be used as an alternative or supplement to medication, depending on the patient and the treatment approach of the patient’s psychiatrist. Psychotherapy can also help with generalized anxiety disorder. Sessions with a therapist may be able to help a patient get at the root cause of the anxiety, and to address specific situations and issues, such as the desire to be able to go out and socialize with peoples.
What Are the Causes?
Factors associated with an increased incidence of GAD include family history, episodes of high stress, and reduced activity of some of the brain’s neurotransmitters. Other psychological disorders may also be connected with the presence of GAD, and they might also create a higher risk for the illness.
Many of the anxiety disorders occur with greater prevalence in those who have relatives with the same or similar conditions. Therefore, people with close family members with any of the anxiety disorders may be at increased risk for GAD. There are lots of people who face anxiety-producing experiences and don’t develop GAD. Still, an episode of high stress might be one of the partial causes of generalized anxiety disorder.
Some illnesses most associated with GAD include mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder. People with other anxiety disorders may have GAD, too. The condition is also frequently diagnosed in those who suffer from substance abuse or dependence. Generalized anxiety disorder has a high rate of co-occurrence with several other mental illnesses. It’s not known if other psychological conditions are clear causes of generalized anxiety disorder.
What Are the Symptoms ?
Among the physical symptoms are nausea, tremors, sweating and dryness in the mouth, they can be also experienced rapid breathing and heart rate and irregular heartbeat. In addition to the physical, it can also cause the feeling of tiredness, stress, difficulty thinking, irritability and sleep problems.
Anxiety is a normal response to stress, in patients , anxiety is higher and persists even when the cause no longer exists. The genetic background of a person could also trigger GAD.
Anxiety is a normal response to certain activities, but if this becomes abnormal, then drift into a generalized anxiety disorder.
Other factors such as drugs, caffeine, heart disease and thyroid disorders can also cause symptoms , sometimes difficult to distinguish from other mental disorders such as depression.
Video 8 Signs Of Chronic Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Vídeo por Anxiety Disorders Channel
There are treatment options that can relieve the symptoms and allow people to lead healthy lives. Treatment plans can include therapy, medication, or lifestyle changes. Many people with GAD choose a combination of treatments.
For many peoples the Psychotherapy may be the right treatment plan. Your counselor may also teach you relaxation tips for when you feel an anxiety attack coming on. It involves talking one on one with a counselor who is trained in GAD. You may discuss life changes to help manage your stress and keep your anxiety low.
Therapy that may be able to help with GAD. Psychotherapy can also include cognitive behavior therapy. This kind of therapy involves changing your daily behavior and thoughts from negative to positive. Cognitive behavior therapy focuses on how to deal with the stresses in your life instead of trying to change them.
Most GAD medications have to be prescribed by a doctor and can include anti-depressants and anti-anxiety options. Medication is sometimes used as a treatment. It can be combined with therapy and lifestyle changes to get the best results.
The medications for GAD help to control long-term anxiety and are taken daily. Other medications are to help with anxiety attacks and are taken only when an attack is happening. Any of these medications may cause other side effects, and you should be monitored closely by your doctor while taking them.
Many people find that being around other people with the same disorder helps them to know they are not alone. A GAD support group will allow you to talk about your difficulties and listen to other people that may have the same problems.
Lifestyle Changes
A nutritious diet and regular exercise can improve your life and lessen some of your stress. It is also important to work on the relationships in your life with your family and friends. You may find that the best generalized anxiety disorder treatment is to make healthier lifestyle choices. These life changes may help to balance and control your daily stress.
Video What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Other anxiety disorders are:
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD
- Panic Disorder
- Agoraphobia
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
- Social Phobic Disorder
- Specific Phobic Disorder.