How to beat loneliness in 4 easy steps
Loneliness is common and happens to both introverts and extroverts, but it’s not only an emotional burden. Loneliness can increase your risk of stroke and heart disease, making it one of the top public health concerns in the United States. According to the University of York, loneliness should be treated as a public health problem like smoking and obesity. Dr. Bradley Nelson, a veteran holistic physician, author and global trainer, shares four steps to help people overcome loneliness and depression.
The first step is to get to the heart of the loneliness epidemic. If you have few social contacts or feel unhappy with your social relationships, you are 29 percent more likely to have a heart attack and 32 percent more likely to have a stroke. Dr. Nelson says ” loneliness is among negative emotions that contribute to depression, anxiety and other health problems,” to help people overcome loneliness, Dr. Nelson has published a bestselling book, “The Emotion Code,’ which teaches people to find and release negative emotions. His tips include: Making a gratitude list and release emotional baggage.
When making a gratitude list, Dr. Nelson recommends for people suffering from depression to focus less on the negative things in their lives and spend more time counting their blessings. He continues by stating “One of the most important things you can do is to make a list every day of the things in your life that are actually good. It may seem like everything is bad in your life and you don’t have any good things going on, but if you think about it you may.”
The next step is to choose emotions. Yes, you can choose your emotions. Many people have this mistaken belief that emotions choose them and they are at the mercy of whatever emotions they tend to start feeling, but in reality, no matter what the circumstance is – they always are choosing their own emotions. and feelings.
Last but not least, learn to release emotional baggage. One of the most important steps to eliminating loneliness is to realize how dangerous emotional baggage is. Dr. Nelson says “It is like the elephant in the living room of Western medicine; the underlying cause of every disease process people suffer from as human beings.” To combat loneliness, reach out to a support network and move outside yourself to take action and help others. This will help you take focus away from yourself and enable you to turn the lens around so it is not pointed at your troubles; instead it is pointed at somebody else who needs your support. For more information and tips, visit and EmotionCode.TV
About Dr. Bradley Nelson: Dr. Nelson has lectured internationally on the natural healing of chronic illness and successfully treated patients from across the US and Canada for more than 20 years. He has trained more than 2,000 practitioners worldwide on how to help people overcome unresolved anger, depression, anxiety, loneliness and other negative emotions and the physical symptoms associated them.