Home » Dementia Risk

How I discovered I have the brain of a psychopath | James Fallon
In short, psychopaths hiding behind a mask. They present themselves as charismatic leaders, but in fact, they are empty shells. They do not express their emotions and show no regret or guilt. How I discovered I have the brain of a psychopath James Fallon:...

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How To “Hack” Your Brain And Get High Without Using Drugs
How To “Hack” Your Brain Thе humаn brаіn іѕ often conceptualized аѕ a supercomputer of соѕmіс соmрlеxіtу, аnd like аll mаіn frаmеѕ, it can bе hacked into аnd hіjасkеd for a rаngе оf dіffеrеnt рurроѕеѕ....

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What’s the difference between suicidal thoughts and actions? One mom explains.
I’m suicidal. And no, it’s not what you think. I am safe. I am not harming myself. I do not have a plan, and I do not plan on doing anything. But I’m suicidal. And I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t. People like to think of things like...

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What You Should Know About Mercury Being In Retrograde And Your Mental Health
Mental health and addiction treatment providers today face a critical issue how can they best manage information to improve patient care and safety while protecting patient rights and privacy. Behavioral health is part of the broader healthcare industry,...

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7 foods to boost your mental performance
(iStock) These foods are the best for your brain Research shows that nutrients in food can have a significant positive impact on cognitive performance. Cognitive impairment is increasingly attributed to oxidative stress, a condition that involves...

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3 Surprising Things That Increase Your Dementia Risk
Dеmеntіа affects a реrѕоn’ѕ mеmоrу, thіnkіng, and reasoning skills. Dеmеntіа соmеѕ оn very ѕlоwlу, little bу lіttlе. Thе tурісаl diagnosis оссurѕ lаtеr іn life, іn a реrѕоn’ѕ 60’ѕ оr...

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